Saturday, October 29, 2005

IP Networks

Special topics

1. What drives wireless broadband and makes it fly? What does it mean in terms of industries and business?

2. What are the technological and business impacts and implications of emergence of digital camera, IP Phone, digital TV, & digital broadcast?

3. Why all IP networks? Please explain briefly. What does it mean in terms of industries and business?

11/12 no class

no class due to the midterm week.

10/29 Homework

Compare 3 VoIP software- skype, Gizmo, & Google Talk

1. 如果你的作業引用他人文章, 務必註明出處或是網址, 以示尊重他人創作.
2. 引用以單句為限, 並且明確以引號標示, 切勿整段引用甚至全文引用.
3. 引用來源必須具備權威性, 建議使用學術或研究單位, 或是知名公司的資料, 不可使用報紙或一般性商業文章等二手傳播文字.

11/5 Class VoIP Business

VoIP Business

1. Business models of VoIP

2. Opportunities of Mobile VoIP

3. Automated self-service over VoIP

3 Mobile Commerce Applications by Phillips

Broadband wireless applications for Ticketing

Broadband wireless applications for Mobile Entertainment

Broadband wireless applications for Business Travelers

Sunday, October 23, 2005

10/29 Class VoIP

VoIP Technology

Peer to peer
Features of Skype
Client-Server, Non SIP
Client-Server, SIP (references)
Softphones are not all the same.


VoIP Business

1. Business models of VoIP

2. Opportunities of Mobile VoIP

3. Automated self-service over VoIP

10/22 Homework

1. List 10 applications of WiMAX
2. Compare WiMAX 802.16e versus 3G and 4G.

Broadband wireless applications
WiMAX protocols

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Homework 10/15

1 Take a look at the bird flu news report and the following labs.
i. Get the most from Google-1
ii. Get the most from Google-2

Then do a literature survey on the net about bird flu. Try to answer the question as described in
Get the most from Google-3

Hint: Please write on your own blog and post the link in the comment below.

2. Reading assignments: prepare yourself for 10/22 class. We will discuss the subjects next week.

10/22: WiMAX

WiMAX Business

1. WiMAX 802.16e is not substitute of 3G.
3G spans from physical layer to applications while 802.16e is MAC.

2. WiMAX is part of a bigger infrastructure.
Still needs networking and transport control to support applications.

3. WiMAX highlights state of the art of computer networking while 3G and beyond is state of the art of telecommunications.

4. WiMAX points a new direction of cost down and quality of service. Maybe it is time of paradigm shift from telecom (3G and B3G) to computer networking (IEEE802). Remember 802.16 is basically non contention-based while 802.3 and 802.11 are all contention-based.



10/15 class

大未必是美, 小兵能立大功

今日世界, 計畫常跟不上變化, 培養實力加上速度, 發揮勇氣與溫柔的力量, 成就大事業, 有為者亦若是

做十件不成功的事, 不如只做一件成功的事

沒有效益的事, 何必去做.


真功夫, 真本事, 切勿追求表面或只重形式

精益求精, 虛心接納, 止於至善

善用知識, 洞見細微, 講究自律, 重視細節
