Saturday, May 28, 2005

6/18 Class

Recent Research on Location Management

6/4, 6/11 No class

Saturday, May 21, 2005

5/28 Class

location management and routing for applications of
ad hoc / infrastructure and low/high mobility

infrastructure, low mobility -> Mobile IP
infrastructure, high mobility -> Cellular, Thin AP
ad hoc, low mobility -> Routing tables
ad hoc, high mobility -> ?

Lessons learned from
1. location management in Skype (Global Index, GI)
2. location management in OceanStore

Requirements of location management mechanism
1. no exhaustive search
2. bounded time to store location information at node(s)
3. bounded time to retrieve location information from node(s)

Reading Assignments:
Chap. 4 for general wireless Internet and
Section 4.3 for Mobile IP

There is a paper about Skype which you can find by This paper authored by Columbia University researcher explains their experiments on Skype and the findouts.

New products about Thin AP can be found at

Saturday, May 14, 2005

5/14 Oral Presentation

Team presentation on Vision 2015

Introduction to WiMax

Saturday, May 7, 2005

5/7 Oral Presentation

1. Conclude your team analytical reports
2. Oral presentation and defense

NTT DoCoMo Vison 2010
Grid Computing
Related report