Saturday, November 19, 2005

12-10-2005 Internet Business Models (1)

Portal's business models

11-19 Homework

1. Reading Assignments
Chap. 1~3 of Textbook (A. Afuah and C. Tucci)

2. Summary writing of Chap. 4. Briefly outline the points of this chapter in your own words.

3. Regarding wireless services, list 3 business models that you think can make money.

12-03-2005 停課一次


Friday, November 18, 2005

11-26-2005 停課一次


Monday, November 14, 2005

Mobile commerce

Business models of Wi-Fi, Mesh, WiMAX enabled services.


1. Test equipment

2. AP sales

3. Wi-Fi Skype phones, VoIP over wireless

4. WiMAX cellular for vocal, multimedia

Focal point: Competitive advantage, unfair advantage


5. Global/National Roaming

Examples: Boingo, iPass, GRIC

Focal point: fragmented markets

6. Access Service Operators (Chain stores, café, hotel, …)

NB maybe wrong target; WiMAX WiFi Handset better


7. Game over Wireless

8. Content over Wireless

Business models of mobile commerce.

11-19-2005 Class

History of media evolution
and the future

Mobile Commerce

Saturday, November 12, 2005

History of media evolution


  • 唐三藏西天取經
  • 古騰堡聖經
  • 進口西書
  • 電子郵件(Bitnet), 進口 CD
  • MIME, 進口 DVD
  • ftp for multimedia download (mp3, mpeg)
  • Streaming video and audio, Real Networks
  • BT

Business impact

translation issues (text needs mass translation; pictures and videos do not.)
market globalization
real time, anytime

Saturday, November 5, 2005

11-05-2005 Homework

1. Name a leading USA, Japanese, and Korean VoIP operator company. List their market shares, revenues, and profits in recnt years.

2. List 3 cities that have deployed large scale Wi-Fi, Mesh, or WiMAX networks. What are the purposes, applications, user populations, respectively?

3. Reading Assignments:

Smartphones: Symbian vs. Win CE

4. 預習 11-19 課堂討論題目, 蒐集相關資料, 以及於你的Blog記下發言草稿