Saturday, September 19, 2009

materials for 9-19-2009

Introduction to wireless futures.

Homework for 9-19-2009

1. Summarize the following paper in one page.

Yao-Jen Chang, Hung Huan Liu, Tsen-Yung Wang, Mobile Social Networks as Quality of Life Technology for People with Severe Mental Illness, IEEE Wireless Communications, June, 2009.

2. You have two notebooks, one in the office and the other at home. How do you synchronize the data on the two NBs?

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Broadband Wireless Networking and Services, Fall Semester 2009

Yao-Jen Chang, email address: yjchang at cycu dot edu dot tw

1. Students will be exposed to a comprehensive coverage of modern topics of broadband wireless technology and business models.
2. Students will be able to identify important protocols, industrial practices, business models, and trend developments in broadband wireless.

Grading Policy
Participation (Presence, Challenging and Answers, & 3 Oral Presentations) 60%, Homework 40%

Weekly homework is presented on your own blog. See instructions about how to create blogs. You may take a look at some examples of homework.

Student Presentations
slides sample.

Selected Topics

Wireless Networking
Media Access Control
Digital communication
Selected Reading on Handheld Interface Design

Past Homework