Saturday, March 17, 2007

3-17-2007 Homework

1. What is the business model of MySpace?

2. Using Google Docs.
  • Go to Google Docs. Google Docs lets you write Word documents through an online web service.
  • Write some words in a Word format.
  • Publish the Word document.
  • What's the URL of your document.
  • Add the Google Docs to your personal portal. At the portal page, you should be able to see the active documents.
  • Save your document as .doc and .pdf, the two common formats for documents.
Hint: This is a sample Word document.

News coverage:
Google “Docs & Spreadsheets” Launches ,Oct 2006

3. Using Google Personal Portal.
  • Enter The Google account is the same as your Blogger account.
  • Rearrange the templates. And perhaps remove blocks that you don't need.
  • Add new stuff. For now add the Google Reader block. You should be able to see the subscriptions in the Google Reader block of your personal portal.
  • Add the Google Docs into your portal.
  • 根據學校行事曆,3/24 運動會停課一次,預先告知。3/31 正常上課。
  • 4/7 連續假期,停課一次。

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