Computer Networking: A Top Down Approach Featuring the Internet,
3rd edition.
Jim Kurose, Keith Ross
Addison-Wesley, July 2004.
Prof Yao-Jen Chang has been associate professor at Department of Electronic Engineering, Chung Yuan Christian University, since 1995. He has served as a consultant to IBM Asia-Pacific for e-Commerce advancements during 1997~1999. From 2000~2004, he took a leave to join Yam Digital, the largest portal then in Taiwan, as a chief scientist. He returned to CYCU in 2004.
He received the best paper award from ACM Supercomputing 1991 and received humanity services award in 2007 from CYCU. He supervised a student research project which received honors from 2007 ACM SIGACESS Student Research Competition.
About Professor YJ Chang and Applied Networking Lab
I would like to elaborate more on Web 2.0, emerging dynamics and interactions of online communities, web services, and mobile Internet. Selected articles will serve as our core course materials.
Grading Policy
Participation (Presence, Challenging and Answers, & Oral Presentations) 60%,
Homework 40%
Our class is more of a conversation and dialogue than a lecture.
想一想,外面的世界發生什麼? 你想做什麼? 你想學什麼? 我是不是嘗試自己來安排看看。
This is how you can make it.