Saturday, March 8, 2008

Track your comments at a focal point

1. Enter the setting of your blog, and add a page element for RSS/ATOM.

2. Enter the following RSS/ATOM feeds

3. You should be able to see all the comments in the page element no matter which original posts the comments are for.


Jack said...

I am very curious how do you know the link of feeds( /feeds/comments/default or /posts/comments/default )?

Yao Jen said...

The RSS of Blogger looks something like http://[someBlog]
if you check it out. A change of posts to comments gives you the RSS feeds of comments pertaining to the primary blogs.

王釋寂-資工碩專二 said...

I found another way to do the same thing. You can read it from here. Then add a page element and choose "HTML/JavaScript". I use this function in my blog.

王釋寂-資工碩專二 said...

I'm Sandra Wang~

Yao Jen said...


My apologies. I mistake Subby for you because your comments are so close with other. And I am still trying to memorize each of your names. It's my fault.


Yao Jen said...


Yes. That is a good one.