Wednesday, September 29, 2010
10/2 outline
幾天前,在實驗室論壇裡讀到Mozilla 想像未來手機 Seabird (Youtube), shared by Yan-Ru
這一周,請大家各自閱讀一篇ACM MobiSys 2010論文,就來分享每個人挖到的寶藏吧。
Saturday, September 25, 2010
New way versus old way
- 1000 projects, 5 persons per project at Google vs. super team at Microsoft
- hardware manufacturing: build everything from scratch; software: standing on the shoulders of giants vs. Microsoft Windows strategy (undermined somewhat now)
- PC, Cellular, and/or TV if you want to conquer the Internet (traditional thinking focuses on PC)
Homework 9-25-2010
Hint: 先選擇題目,然後閱讀摘要,直到你找到一篇合適的論文,然後選擇全文下載,閱讀摘要,結論,以及關鍵研究方法。
ps: 你必須使用校內網址(IP),或是藉由圖書館確認本校學生身分,方能下載全文。
ps: 請註明出處及連結,例如 Yao-Jen Chang, Shu-Ming Peng, Yan-Ru Chen, Hung-Chi Chen, Tsen-Yung Wang, Shu-Fang Chen, Autonomous Indoor Wayfinding for Individuals with Cognitive Impairments, Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 7:4, September 2010
2. 預習非營利組織運用Web 2.0社群運算之質化分析與效益評估,下次課堂討論
期限: 10-2-2010
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Saturday, September 18, 2010
作業 9-18-2010
2. 居家照護與遠距醫療有何異同?
3. 老人化的社會將面臨甚麼樣的挑戰與機會?
4. 預習非營利組織運用Web 2.0社群運算之質化分析與效益評估,下次課堂討論
期限: 9-25-2010
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Anomaly detection
Yao-Jen Chang, Anomaly Detection for Travelling Individuals with Cognitive Impairments, ACM SIGACCESS Accessibility and Computing, June 2010, Issue 97. pp. 25-32.
馬瑱賢; 張耀仁; 黃俊達; 王增勇 一個具常模路徑比對功能的認知障礙者 走失偵測系統與效能分析 先進工程學刊,6卷2期(2011/04),141-148
Yao-Jen Chang, Tsen-Yung Wang, Shu-Fang Chen, Tien-Shyan Ma, Anomaly Detection to Increase Commuter Safety for Individuals with Cognitive Impairments, Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, DOI: 10.1007/s10882-011-9251-3 (SSCI, IF=1.024)
非營利組織運用Web 2.0社群運算之質化分析與效益評估
作者: 張耀仁(Yao-Jen Chang);王增勇(Tsen-Yung Wang);張耀升(Yao-Sheng Chang);周立德(Li-Der Chou)
來源: 先進工程學刊 3卷2期(2008/04)
關鍵字: 精神障礙者就業輔導體系;非營利組織;Web 2.0;blog;知識管理;supported employment for people with severe mental illness;Web 2.0;blog;knowledge management;action research;nonprofit organization NPO
ps: 你必須使用校內網址(IP),或是藉由圖書館確認本校學生身分,方能下載全文。
作者: 張耀仁(Yao-Jen Chang);蔡士凱(Shih-Kai Tsai);王增勇(Tsen-Yung Wang)
來源: 先進工程學刊 5卷2期(2010/04)
關鍵字: 社會服務;路徑指引;認知障礙;輔助科技;social service;wayfinding;cognitive impairments;assistive technology
Yao-Jen Chang, Tsen-Yung Wang, Comparing Picture and Video Prompting in Autonomous Indoor Wayfinding for Individuals with Cognitive Impairments , Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 14(8):737-747, 2010 (SCI, SSCI, IF=1.137)
Yao-Jen Chang, Tsen-Yung Wang "Indoor Wayfinding Based on Wireless Sensor Networks for Individuals with Multiple Special Needs" Cybernetics and Systems, Vol 41, Iss. 4, 2010. 317-333. (SCI, IF=0.662)
*Yao-Jen Chang, Shu-Ming Peng, Yan-Ru Chen, Hung-Chi Chen, Tsen-Yung Wang, Shu-Fang Chen, Autonomous Indoor Wayfinding for Individuals with Cognitive Impairments, Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 7:45, September 2010. pp. 1-13. (SCI, IF=2.64)
作者: 張耀仁(Yao-Jen Chang);張萬志(Wan-Chih Chang);王增勇(Tsen-Yung Wang)
來源: 先進工程學刊 5卷3期(2010/07)
關鍵字: 社會服務;工作提醒;認知障礙;輔助科技;social service;task prompting;cognitive impairments;assistive technology
*Yao-Jen Chang, Tsen-Yung Wang, Yan-Ru Chen A Location-based Prompting System to Transition Autonomously Through Vocational Tasks for Individuals with Cognitive Impairments, Research in Developmental Disabilities, doi:10.1016/j.ridd.2011.06.006 (SSCI, IF=3.201)
*Yao-Jen Chang, Shu-Fang Chen, Zhi-Zhan Lu An Accelerometer-based Handheld System to Reduce Breaks in Performance of Young Adults with Cognitive Impairments, Research in Developmental Disabilities, doi:10.1016/j.ridd.2011.07.007 (SSCI, IF=3.201)
*Yao-Jen Chang, Shu-Fang Chen, An-Fu Chuang, A Gesture Recognition System to Transition Autonomously Through Vocational Tasks for Individuals with Cognitive Impairments, Research in Developmental Disabilities, Vol. 32, Iss. 6, pp. 2064-2068 (SSCI, IF=3.201)
Friday, September 10, 2010
Indoor wayfinding
Yao-Jen Chang, Tsen-Yung Wang "Indoor Wayfinding Based on Wireless Sensor Networks for Individuals with Multiple Special Needs" Cybernetics and Systems, Vol 41, Iss. 4, 2010. 317-333. (SCI)
Yao-Jen Chang, Tsen-Yung Wang, Comparing Picture and Video Prompting in Autonomous Indoor Wayfinding for Individuals with Cognitive Impairments , Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, appeared online Mar. 3, 2010 (SCI)
* WWW 網際網路會議頂級會議。
* ACM MobiSys 行動運算系統頂級會議。
* ACM UbiComp 隨身運算的頂級會議。IEEE Pervasive Computing 同級。
* ACM SenSys 網路感測的頂級會議。
* ACM ASSETS 科技輔具頂級會議。
Static Picture and Video Prompting
Exceptionality, Volume 17, Issue 2 April 2009 , pages 103 - 116
Video iPod as a Prompting Device
Toni Van Laarhoven, Jesse W. Johnson, Traci Van Laarhoven-Myers, Kristin L. Grider and Katie M. Grider
Standard care and telecare services
T. Taber-Doughty, J. Shurr, J. Brewer and S. Kubik
Article first published online: 13 AUG 2010 | DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2788.2010.01314.x
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Research on Pervasive technologies for assistive environments
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing. Volume 14 Number 6 is available on SpringerLink