Wednesday, September 7, 2005

softphones are not the same- skype, Gizmo, & Google Talk

agreed the following insights:

" Google 指出,未來他們的 Google Talk 將會相容於 SIP
這個影響是比較大的,且用 SIP 要跨平台互通語音也比較沒問題的
且 Gizmo Project (SIP-based)也已經跟 Google Talk 簽訂協議
在未來的版本, Gizmo Project 跟 Google Talk 的用戶彼此之間可以互通 IM 及 VoIP

如此一來,其他的 SIP 廠商應該也會陸續跟進
這樣一結合, Google Talk (or SIP) 的用戶市場就會迅速擴張很多倍
這是 Skype 專屬通訊協定比較不能做到的
VoIP 若是採用標準的 SIP, 那在市場上的競爭力會比 Skype 好很多
畢竟現在 SIP 的週邊設備很多,不是 Skype 專屬的設備可以比得上的"


For enterprises as well as governments, SIP-based softphones are obviously better:
1. on-net call is free (no inferior to Skype)
2. same rate for off-net calls (again no inferior to Skype)
3. SIP softphones are open standard versus Skype is propriatary. This means SIP
integrates more user devices (USB phones, IAD phones, Wi-Fi phones, softphones) and
encourages cross-operator roaming.
4. Gizmo (SIP-based softphone) is gaining momentum in north US. TelTel (SIP-based softphone and IM) inclusive
with Seednet has landed in Taiwan as Wagaly TelTel, a commercial VoIP service by Seednet.
5. Skype lacks manageable call logging/auditting and monitoring, which are necessary by IT policies at sectors like governments and larger enterprises.
However, Skype have gained mass and shall continue to dominate consumer markets in the coming years until SIP is capable of making

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