Saturday, September 17, 2005


Time: Saturday 13:00-16:00

Place: 中原大學社區資源中心 芳鄰成長園

Grading Policy: Participation (Presence, Challenging and Answers, Proactiveness) 50%, Homework 50%, including Midterm Paper, Final Paper

Instructor: Associate Professor Yao-Jen Chang


yjchang at cycu dot edu dot tw

Teaching Assistant: 時定樑

Hear how people who have taken the course said.


Internet Business Models and Strategies, 2nd ed., Allan Afuah and Christopher Tucci, McGraw-Hill 2003. (新月圖書東華書局代理進口)


1. 張耀仁,劉永信, 電子商務系統, 高立書局, 20011月三版.

Course Outline

1. 網際網路的趨勢

Firefox, RSS, Blog, Google, Skype, VoIP, P2P, All IP Network

2. Wi-Fi, WiMAX, 2G, 3G and mobile commerce

3. business models and operations

4. brand management

5. Competitive Strategies, Differentiation, Pricing, Niche. Implementation

Entry Barrier, Ecology, Business Opportunities, Best Practices

6. marketing at a digital age

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