Saturday, May 6, 2006

Multiradio Wireless Mesh

  • Architecture and Algorithms for an IEEE 802.11-based Multi-channel Wireless Mesh Network (A Raniwala, Prof Chiueh) in proc of IEEE Infocom '05 [pdf] [slides]

未來研究的方向是考慮 802.11 n,
以及 VoIP 所需要的 QoS
這篇paper 裡面的演算法不適用於802.11n
在mesh 架構下使用 802.11n 效能應該會大有提升.
  • Centralized Channel Assignment and Routing Algorithms for Multi-channel Wireless Mesh Networks (A Raniwala, K Gopalan Prof Chiueh) - in ACM SIGMOBILE Mobile Computing and Communications Review (MC2R) April '04 issue [pdf]

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