Saturday, September 23, 2006

Andy Lark's "The Web vs. Blogging"

Andy Lark's "The Web vs. Blogging"
that contrasts the world of blogs with the traditional websites. He compiled the following comparison list to show the deifferences.

Web= Organized Blog=Chaotic
Web=Predictable Blog=Unpredictable
Web=Find Blog=Browse
Web=Comprehensively Blog=Imcompletely Deep
Web=Broad Blog=Niche
Web=Slow Blog=Instant
Web=Cold Blog=Warm
Web=Transmission Blog=Conversation
Web=Place Blog=Community
Web=Annonymous Blog=Personal
Web=Company Blog=People
Web=Content Blog=Expression
Web=Cookie Cutter Blog=Individual
Web=Closed Blog=Participatory
Web=Unresponsive Blog=Give Thanks

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