Saturday, September 30, 2006

Homework 9-30-2006

繳交期限 10/14 下午 1:00 整

1. 安裝 PageRank , 然後使用 PageRank 量測以下網站的 PageRank (0~10分)
美國 FirstGov
英國 Direct Gov
日本 首相與內閣入口網
台灣 MyeGov
新加坡 SingGov
澳洲 Australia Government
中國 中央政府門戶網站

Moodgrapher plots the mood levels reported by LiveJournal users in their posts.
  • Use Moodgrapher to compare the "happy" mood level versus "sad" during the period from 9/1/2006~9/30/2006.
  • Can we justify that people drink more during the weekends?
3. Read JONATHAN SCHWARTZ, Sun CTO's Blog. Do you think his blog is authentic, honest, and authoratative? Why?

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