Saturday, July 7, 2007

On the positive side

It always lets us feel so good when the paper is accepted for publication somewhere. However, reject does not always have to be bad.

Oftentimes, we receive insightful and high quality comments from anonymous reviewers.
Has it come to you what you can do in return to improve the paper and more importantly improve your academic accomplishments at large?

This is something you may want to do after your did a hard work writing a paper and received response of it.

You try your best to be careful and comprehensive in making out something
academic. In academia, you are evaluated by what you think and what
you write. Whether you will stay academic after you get the master
degree, enjoy or at least try to experience the academic lifestyle. I
encourage you to act more like a young scholar; it may be a chance of
your lifetime no matter what.

We all need to stop the habit of writing casually. Improve our
thinking a little bit every time from quality feedback of internationally established scholars.

The following quote applies to us. It's not whether you get knocked down. It's whether you get up again.

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