Saturday, December 29, 2007
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Homework 12-22-2007
2. Read the abstracts of the full papers, and then make your comments.
Robin Kay, Developing a comprehensive metric for assessing discussion board
effectiveness, British Journal of Educational Technology, Vol 37 No5 2006. pp. 761-783
Note: You may need to stay in the IP range of CYCU to download the article.
Talk Outline 12-29-2007
- Yao-Jen Chang, Hsin-Yu Hsu, Frank Tsen-Yung Wang, Action Science Approach to Context Aware Personalized Housing Services using Web 2.0 Mapping Tools- A Nonprofit Case Implementation, NCS 2007, Dec. 20-21, Taiwan.
- Yao-Jen Chang, Yao-Sheng Chang, Shu-Yu Hsu, Chiu-Hui Chen, Social Network Analysis to Blog-based Online Community, to be presented in International Conference on Convergence Information Technology 2007, Gyeongju, Korea. November 21~23, 2007. (EI)
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Homework 12-15-2007
Dec-22-2007 11:59 a.m. Due
1. Read the abstracts of the full papers, and then make your comments.
Feng Fua, Lianghuan Liua, and Long Wang. Empirical analysis of online social networks in the age of Web 2.0, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications Volume 387, Issues 2-3, 15 January 2008, Pages 675-684
Note: You may need to stay in the IP range of CYCU to download the article.
Homework 12-15-2007
Dec-22-2007 11:59 a.m. Due
1. Read the abstracts of the full papers, and then make your comments.
- Yao-Jen Chang, Hsin-Yu Hsu, Frank Tsen-Yung Wang, Action Science Approach to Context Aware Personalized Housing Services using Web 2.0 Mapping Tools- A Nonprofit Case Implementation
- Yao-Jen Chang, Yao-Sheng Chang, Shu-Yu Hsu, Chiu-Hui Chen, Social Network Analysis to Blog-based Online Community, presented in International Conference on Convergence Information Technology 2007, Gyeongju, Korea. November 21~23, 2007. (EI)
Talk Outline 12-22-2007
- G. Trentin. Networked Collaborative Learning in University Teaching, Education Technology, Oct 2006. pp20-25.
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Talk Outline 12-15-2007
1. Student Oral
Subject Area: Web 2.0
Yao-Jen Chang, Tseng-Yun Wang, Shi-Kai Tsai, Yu-Chia Chuang, "Action Science Approach to Experimenting Nonprofit Web 2.0 Services for Employment of Individuals with Mental Impairments" 2007 International Workshop on Social Media Analysis in conjunction with ACM/IEEE Web Intelligence 2007. (EI)
Yao-Jen Chang and Chiu-Hui Chen, "Methodology and Evaluation of Teaching Computer Programming Laboratory with Social Media," ED-Media 2007, Vancouver, Canada, June 25-29, 2007.
2. Lecture
Web 2.0
Homework 12-8-2007
Dec-15-2007 11:59 a.m. Due
1. Read the abstracts of the full papers, and then make your comments.
Yao-Jen Chang, Tseng-Yun Wang, Shi-Kai Tsai, Yu-Chia Chuang, "Action Science Approach to Experimenting Nonprofit Web 2.0 Services for Employment of Individuals with Mental Impairments" 2007 International Workshop on Social Media Analysis in conjunction with ACM/IEEE Web Intelligence 2007. (EI)
Yao-Jen Chang and Chiu-Hui Chen, "Methodology and Evaluation of Teaching Computer Programming Laboratory with Social Media," ED-Media 2007, Vancouver, Canada, June 25-29, 2007.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Homework 12-1-2007
1. 查詢近期WiMax 產業分析報告ㄧ篇,作成100字摘要。
2. 簡述 Qualcomm收購Airgo與RFMD藍牙團隊的策略佈局為哪三項?
Bonus Problem:
3. 依據 WiMAX晶片業者發展現況此研究報告,目前全球主要WiMAX 晶片業者有哪幾家?
ps: 其他產業分析報告 Forrester Research, Gartner Report
ps: 請摘要簡答,尊重智慧財產,切勿抄襲。
12-8-2007 Talk Outline
Computer Communications (IT), IP-based, WiFi (Data Comm.), WiMAX
Telecom enters IT sectors
- Nokia N Series, computer
- E Series, for enterprises, email & office s/w
- Voice xxxx
- similar:Handover, Multimedia (<>
- difference: physical, initial cost, TCO (Total Cost Ownership)
Friday, November 30, 2007
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern
Recognition 2005.
in proceedings of ACM ASSETS 2007, Accessible spaces: navigating through a marked environment with a camera phone, Kee-Yip Chan, Roberto Manduchi, James Coughlan Pages: 229 - 230
Sunday, November 18, 2007
11-17-2007 Homework
Dec-1-2007 11:59 a.m. Due
1. Read the abstracts and skim the full papers, and then comment on the three papers.
特別提醒: 必須使用學校IP網域才可以下載,中原大學已經購買ACM所有出版品的電子下載權利。在學校上網下載就沒有問題。
11/24/2007 - the midterm week. No class meeting. (停課ㄧ次)
12-1-2007 Talk Outline
1. Student Oral
P1: g9577601
P2: Claire
P3: Chen
ps: slides sample.
Monday, November 12, 2007
- offerer load vs. throughput behavior & mechanism (Textbook pp. 2-48~2-51)
- CSMA/CD improves performance
- drawbacks of CSMA/CD in long distance and high speed communications
- interference and noise
- Shannon Theory
- the need of modulation for practical communication enigineering
- nonlinear characteristics of modulation and reduction of nonlinear effects
- Optical communication
- Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM)
Sunday, November 11, 2007
11-10-2007 Homework
2. CSMA (Carrier Sense Multiple Access)
3. CSMA/CD (collision detection) -> IEEE 802.3 (Ethernet, 100M, 1Gbps)
1. Why does Pure Aloha perform worse than Slotted Aloha?
2. According to Textbook pp. 2-48~2-51, why does 1-persistent CSMA have lower throughput than non-persistent CSMA when generated traffic rate is higher than 1 (G>1)? Why does 1-persistent CSMA have shorter latency than non-persistent CSMA?
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Friday, November 9, 2007
Advanced Internet Services and Systems will be one of my Spring 2008 courses. See a previous syllabus for Fall 2006.
I would like to elaborate more on Web 2.0, emerging dynamics and interactions of online communities, web services, and mobile Internet. When the updated syllabus is ready, I will post it.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Thursday, November 1, 2007
ASSETS 2007三篇分析行動載具使用者需求的論文
身心障礙者使用這些科技可能會遭遇哪些問題,他們的需求是什麼? 透過這三篇深入的田野調查與洞見分析,我們或許可以更進入這個身障者的世界。
Using participatory activities with seniors to critique, build, and evaluate mobile phones
Michael Massimi, Ronald M. Baecker, Michael Wu
Pages: 155 - 162
Full text available:

Observing Sara: a case study of a blind person's interactions with technology
Kristen Shinohara, Josh Tenenberg
Pages: 171 - 178
Full text available:

Understanding mobile phone requirements for young adults with cognitive disabilities
Melissa Dawe
Pages: 179 - 186
Full text available:

Using participatory activities with seniors to critique, build, and evaluate mobile phones
Michael Massimi, Ronald M. Baecker, Michael Wu
Pages: 155 - 162
Full text available:

Observing Sara: a case study of a blind person's interactions with technology
Kristen Shinohara, Josh Tenenberg
Pages: 171 - 178
Full text available:

Understanding mobile phone requirements for young adults with cognitive disabilities
Melissa Dawe
Pages: 179 - 186
Full text available:

Saturday, October 27, 2007
10-27-2007 Homework
Nov-10-2007 11:59 a.m. Due
1. Read and then comment on the following papers.
- Yao-Jen Chang, Shan-Yao Wu, Ting-Liang Shih, Intersection Location Service and Performance Comparison of Three Location Service Algorithms for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks in City Environments
- Yao-Jen Chang, Tseng-Yun Wang, Shi-Kai Tsai, Yu-Chia Chuang, "Action Science Approach to Experimenting Nonprofit Web 2.0 Services for Employment of Individuals with Mental Impairments" 2007 International Workshop on Social Media Analysis in conjunction with ACM/IEEE Web Intelligence 2007. (EI)
2. Why is CSMA/CA instead of CSMA/CD used for 802.11?
random access nature
the use of dynamic programming in controlled Aloha.
evolution of contention based protocols:
2. CSMA (Carrier Sense Multiple Access)
3. CSMA/CD (collision detection) -> IEEE 802.3 (Ethernet, 100M, 1Gbps)
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
- MAC, Medium access control
- LLC, Logical link control
- 802.11 CSMA/CA
- 802.3 Ethernet
Monday, October 22, 2007
本實驗室參加TANET 2007
講者: 朱衍印, Sky
講題: 智慧型精障者路徑導引與走失偵測系統之行動運算
講者: 莊育嘉
panel: 精障就業輔助科技之研究
Saturday, October 20, 2007
10-20-2007 Homework
Reference. How to share your PowerPoint on SlideShare.
預告: 11/3 老師出國參加 ACM/IEEE WI 2007, San Francisco, US,請公假,停課ㄧ次。
10-27-2007 Talk Outline
The second part of the class is a continuous introduction to new applications of BWA.
10/18最後ㄧ天在Tempe,因為時間不多,只能造訪一個名勝,就決定去Phoenix Zoo,這裡號稱美國全五大最受歡迎的動物園,之前我看過Chicago Zoo (北極熊是招牌),Washington DC Zoo (Panda是招牌),新加玻動物園(應有盡有,連科莫多龍都有),東京上野動物園(環境很友善),柏林動物園(爬蟲館ㄧ流)都相當不錯,那這個號稱美國全五大到底如何,會不會只是浪得虛名,去看個究竟吧。
這個動物園有獵豹(Cheetah)與美洲豹(Panther),獅子老虎就不用說了,最近幾年因為開授Java程式設計,對大型貓科動物開始產生興趣,原因是教科書的封面用美洲豹來比擬 Java的威力與速度。
終於找到美洲豹的棲地,這種全身都黑,只有眼睛發亮的大型貓科動物 (其實他們兩側與腹部也有註冊商標的標準豹斑,相對全身黑亮因此難以察覺),令人心生敬畏。她的棲地布置很天然,有樹叢,有草地,問題是也許真的太自然了,而且美洲豹白天常在睡覺,我很仔細搜尋樹叢縫隙,草地枯木陰影,過了20分鐘還找不到這隻大貓在哪裡,想走開,可是沒看到真的很不甘願,畢竟這隻大貓正是我今天最想看到的動物,那個 Java課本的封面動物。忽然間,我逐漸從失望的心情轉換到豹的心情,她需要自然棲地,她需要睡覺,不能因為遊客的需要,把牠暴露在平坦的草地好讓人可以看個清楚,任人觀賞甚至擾眠,真好,這是個尊重動物,讓他們享有尊嚴的地方。我開始可以感覺前五大的理由了。
到了獵豹區,終於看到ㄧ對獵豹,非常遠就是,因為獵豹是草原動物,喜歡大草原,於是他們在這裡就真的享有大草原,讓你只能遠觀,這種感覺也很好,不過下次要帶望遠鏡。獵豹是世界上跑最快的動物,最高紀錄是時速120公里,在高速公路上已經會被開罰單,世界上最快的非洲小鹿,時速80公里,因此對獵豹而言,這種可憐的鹿竟只成了獵豹的 Fast Food (速食)。
獵豹狩獵時有個特性,她單獨行動,而且光明正大,不會像獅子六個一組以多欺少,而且常躲在草叢中無聲迅速地施展口袋包圍戰術,讓獵物措手不及。獵豹只吃自己獵殺的動物,不會像獅子會奪取別人辛苦得來的獵物死屍,因此到底誰最有王者風範,誰才是萬獸之王?不幸的, 獵豹全世界估計只剩一萬頭,而且因為近親交配,小豹的遺傳疾病造成死亡率甚高,在動物園裡或人工飼養的環境下無法繁殖,真是雪上加霜。想到這裡,獵豹真是一個多麼天生愛好自然的動物,寧可斷後也不被人類養殖。我們是不是該還給他們天然棲地,如果我們自己的孩子以後還有可能看到真實的獵豹。
Friday, October 19, 2007
ACM ASSETS 2007 後記
大會結束之前,主席做了一個簡單的統計,亞洲總共只有四位參加,台灣有兩位,日本有兩位,美國特別是U. of Washington最多,光是UW 就有八位。
Proceedings of ASSETS 2007
參加ACM ASSETS 2007回應出奇的好
ㄧ些非常有名的人,像是IBM TJ Watson, U. of Oregon, U. of Northeastern 幾位長期投入無障礙研究者,以及像是 U. of Toronto 等ㄧ群好奇心很強的博士班大孩子,都非常熱切來到我的海報攤位仔細了解我们所做的研究,也問了蠻好的問題,兩個小時下來,與不同的人ㄧ問ㄧ答,互動就親切起來了,這種經驗在國際研討已經屢見不鮮,能夠有雅量放下自己的知識與地位,像個初學者般地去欣賞別人的研究成果,我也多該學習。尤其在陸續聽到十幾個人看了海報之後連連稱讚我們 It's a great idea. Brilliant Idea. Terrific. Smart. Real cool. 心理也雀躍起來,她們如此不吝於給別人稱讚的風範,真是令人羨慕,希望我以後也漸漸做得到。
Thursday, October 18, 2007
出人意外的,控制這個機械手並不是使用up-down-left-right這種文字指令,而是只用一個母音,例如 a 是往後,ee是往前,而且還可以轉圈圈,如果你可以連續變換母音的話。我問這個美國學生她問什麼設計只用母音控制方向,她說因為子音有別的操控用途,而ㄧ般單字同時需要子音與母音才能完成,這個答案我不甚滿意,剛好有ㄧ位腦性麻痺學者也來到旁邊,用手拿取物品對他顯然吃力,看到他利用簡單的四個母音,第一次嘗試就能完全控制這個手臂,我就豁然了解,因為這位先生講話我們都聽不懂,當然這不是因為我英文不好,即使負責展示的美國學生也聽不懂他的咬字。但是,如果只需要發出單母音,這位腦性麻痺學者倒是沒什麼問題。
接下來,我要發出一個 k 的聲音,機械手臂就會收到握緊的指令,當我用母音將手臂移到巧克力的位置時,我念出 k,夾住巧克力時真令人興奮。
在ASSETS 2007 會議中,發現自己不懂的東西真多,不懂只好問,或是親自去嘗試。
ASSETS 2007 ㄧ位女士的話
有個回應提到我們很需要這種慢工出細活田野式的調查研究,深入去了解精障者的需求與痛點,為何一個科技被拒絕或是被接受? 因為教授學生總想設計新的科技,但並不太去追蹤使用者後續行為,如果缺乏使用者的長期追蹤,這個研究本身也是不足的。現在研究重視短期成效與論文數量,使得這種古典的田野式調查變成鳳毛麟角,很高興有人回應出這點,我想這是值得繼續去深思的。
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Friday, October 12, 2007
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Friday, October 5, 2007
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Textbook: 無線區域網路與無所不在的網路,小牧省三等着,溫榮宏譯,全華圖書,2005年11月。校園敦煌書局有售,打九折, 315元。適合非通訊主修同學閱讀。
如果你需要課程大綱,講義,請點選網頁右上方 Syllabus for Fall 2007
如果你需要閱讀作業公告,請點選網頁右上方 Homework
每週課程相關內容,請點選網頁右上方 Talk Outline
Sunday, September 30, 2007
由於Web2.0網路概念受到矚目,在網際網路上研究社會網路也漸受重視。此時社會網路的網路變成具有雙重意義,ㄧ是人際互動的關係網路,二是透過網際網路維持聯繫的電子網路。這兩種網路同時作用,會產生麼效應,的確令人好奇。Myspace, facebook , Second Life都是活生生的例子。
Why some social network services work and others don't — Or: the case for object-centered sociality
目前瑞典已經開徵碳稅了,也就是排放越多的二氧化碳,貨物或服務的稅額就越高,因此過去一些低價的產品,現在反而比高價的環保產品還貴。目前台灣每發ㄧ度電排放638克的二氧化碳,每提供ㄧ度自來水排放194公克的二氧化碳,使用汽油每公升排放二氧化碳約 2.24 公斤。未來如果全球性開徵碳稅,汽油價格將會攀升,到時候這不僅是環保的問題,也是經濟的問題。
在台灣如果ㄧ定要買車,或許可以考慮油電混合車(HEV, Hybrid Electric Vehicle),不僅排放較少二氧化碳,能源效率也提升。柴油車排出的毒性廢氣較少,能源效率較高,而且可以添加生質柴油(由廢棄食用油回收再製而成),減少對化石燃料的依賴。
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Friday, September 28, 2007
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments (WAVE)
IEEE Std. 1609.3–2007, released in April
The IEEE Trial-Use Standard for Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments (WAVE)–Networking Services belongs to a family of standards that will let motor vehicles communicate with each other and with roadside systems so they can access safety and travel information. The standard defines services at the network and transport layers that support wireless connectivity.
WAVE technology—also known as dedicated short-range communications—will allow for new on-the-road applications such as Internet access and ordering goods and services. It will operate in the 5.9-GHz band for intelligent transportation systems, the band authorized by the U.S. Federal Communications Commission.
我的相關研究: Yao-Jen Chang, Shan-Yao Wu, Ting-Liang Shih, Intersection Location Service and Performance Comparison of Three Location Service Algorithms for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks in City Environments
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Random Access of Wireless Networks
We will also cover the wireless location privacy protection as discussed in the paper by Schilit et al.
The second part of the class is a continuous introduction to new applications of BWA.
Homework 9/22/2007
Sep-29-2007 11:59 a.m. Due
1. Read and then comment on the following papers.
- Yao-Jen Chang, Shih-Kai Tsai, Tsen-Yung Wang Wayfinding Systems Based on Passive RFID for Individuals with Cognitive Impairments
- Yao-Jen Chang, Tseng-Yun Wang, Yu-Chia Chuang, Shih-Kai Tsai, “Ontology-based Personalized Wayfinding System Using Deviation Detecting for Individuals with Cognitive Impairments” to be presented in International Conference on Convergence Information Technology 2007, Gyeongju, Korea. November 21~23, 2007. (EI)
2. Read Sec. 1-3-6 of Textbook.
What is the disadvantage of Mobile IP and what's the solution?
3. According to lecture notes on Page 2, what is social network? Why is the positioning a major factor in mobile social network service?
C. Siva Ram Murthy, B. S. Manoj Ad Hoc Wireless Networks: Architectures and Protocols Prentice Hall, 2004. 全華圖書代理進口。
Friday, September 21, 2007
Lecture Outline, Sep 22, on Trends of Broadband wireless access
- Check this out! In each track, you will see the topics being pursued.
- For cross-layer issues, please refer to a previous post.
- Way finding based on QR codes
Thursday, September 20, 2007
從真人真事中 尋找靈感
Limitations of Spread Spectrum and OFDM
OFDM relies on orthogonality of subcarriers, and the frequency drifts will offset the orthogonality. Multipath effects will not hurt OFDM, because they do not change frequency.
extended reading: Sec 2-3-1-d & Sec 2-3-1-e of Textbook
Network Coding
It may be very useful in wireless communications as well as wired computer communications.
extended reading: Network coding(full text)
TCP is confused by packet collision in wireless environments
extended reading. Sec 1-2-2 of Textbook.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Homework 9/15/2007
Sep-22-2007 11:59 a.m. Due
1. Translate or rewrite the abstract of the following papers.
- Wayfinding Systems Based on Geo-coded QR Codes and Social Computing for Individuals with Cognitive Impairment, (accepted as a Journal paper.), to be presented in International Conference on Convergence Information Technology 2007, Gyeongju, Korea. November 21~23, 2007. (EI)
- A General Architecture of Mobile Social Network Services, to be presented in International Conference on Convergence Information Technology 2007, Gyeongju, Korea. November 21~23, 2007. (EI)
2. Read Sec. 1-1, 1-2 of Textbook and the presentation materials in class.
What is the key factor which contributes to the integration of various media such as data, voice, and video on a single platform?
3. What are the major differences between wireless and wired communication?
如果你需要閱讀作業公告,請點選網頁右上方 Homework
每週課程相關內容,請點選網頁右上方 Talk Outline
Friday, September 14, 2007
等一下 慢慢來
靜下心來 專注ㄧ件事情
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Issues of Voice over Wi-Fi
absence—until very recently—of a standards-based solution for prioritizing
2. Fast Hand-off between APs
re-authentication between APs takes time such that voice suffers.
Product Solution : "UltraThin" access points (APs) & packet-by-packet micro-management of multiple data streams means that adjacent APs are never broadcasting at the same time
segregate different types of traffic (e.g., voice and data) on different radios, completely eliminating the 'contention' issue or need to prioritize traffic
background: Wi-Fi—802.11b and 802.11g—there are only three non-overlapping channels
3. UMA, unlicensed mobile access
PhoneWi-Fi Cell Phone T-Mobile Ready
1. With voice revenue slowly declining, operators are looking towards content to make up the difference.
2. They're banking on dual-mode convergence as one tool to do so.
3. The additional bandwidth of a Wi-Fi network should encourage mobile subscribers to use more data services, such as Web, e-mail, MMS, music, video, handset TV, etc."
Design Issues of Wireless Applications
End user devices (diversified)
Ecology and value chain
Killer Applications
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Design Project
Use powerpoint to prepare a 10-minute slide presentation. For the presentation format, here is one.
The issues here are the communication infrastructures in such areas may have been destroyed due to the catastrophy. There may be no infrastructures at all in the first place.
Optical fiber, ADSL and cable modem alike are based on wired technology. Therefore, it is not viable to deploy in a short time, especially in disastrous areas. That's one of the reasons why people turn to wireless technology in such needs.
Therefore, in the design of wireless network, you may want to minimize the use of wired infrastructure.
Hurricane Katrina may be one of the examples where you can find some clues for this project.
1. Teaching of Prof Chuah.
Wireless Business News Updates:
Some of the historical events were covered in this online magazine. Such as rebuilding after Hurricane Katrina. One article is shown here and more can be found online.
Reading list for this semester
- Yao-Jen Chang, Shan-Yao Wu, Ting-Liang Shih, Intersection Location Service and Performance Comparison of Three Location Service Algorithms for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks in City Environments, SimuTools 2008, Marseille, France. (EI)
- Yao-Jen Chang, Hsin-Yu Hsu, Frank Tsen-Yung Wang, Action Science Approach to Context Aware Personalized Housing Services using Web 2.0 Mapping Tools- A Nonprofit Case Implementation, WWW 2008, Beijing, China. (EI)
- Yao-Jen Chang, Shih-Kai Tsai, Yao-Sheng Chang, Tsen-Yung Wang Wayfinding Systems Based on Passive RFID for Individuals with Cognitive Impairments, Pervasive Health 2008, Temepre, Finland 2008. (EI)
- Yao-Jen Chang, Shih-Kai Tsai, Li-Der Chou, Tsen-Yung Wang, Wayfinding Systems Based on Geo-coded QR Codes and Social Computing for Individuals with Cognitive Impairment, (accepted as a Journal paper.), to be presented in International Conference on Convergence Information Technology 2007, Gyeongju, Korea. November 21~23, 2007. To appear JCIT.
- Yao-Jen Chang, Yao-Sheng Chang, Shu-Yu Hsu, Chiu-Hui Chen, Social Network Analysis to Blog-based Online Community, to be presented in International Conference on Convergence Information Technology 2007, Gyeongju, Korea. November 21~23, 2007. (EI)
- Yao-Jen Chang Hung-Huan Liu, Li-Der Chou, Yen-Wen Chen, Haw-Yun Shin, A General Architecture of Mobile Social Network Services, to be presented in International Conference on Convergence Information Technology 2007, Gyeongju, Korea. November 21~23, 2007. (EI)
- Yao-Jen Chang, Tseng-Yun Wang, Yu-Chia Chuang, Shih-Kai Tsai, “Ontology-based Personalized Wayfinding System Using Deviation Detecting for Individuals with Cognitive Impairments” to be presented in International Conference on Convergence Information Technology 2007, Gyeongju, Korea. November 21~23, 2007. (EI)
- Yao-Jen Chang, Tseng-Yun Wang, Shi-Kai Tsai, Yu-Chia Chuang, "Action Science Approach to Experimenting Nonprofit Web 2.0 Services for Employment of Individuals with Mental Impairments" 2007 International Workshop on Social Media Analysis in conjunction with ACM/IEEE Web Intelligence 2007. (EI)
- Yao-Jen Chang, Shih-Kai Tsai, Yao-Sheng Chang, Tseng-Yun Wang "A Novel Wayfinding System Based on Geo-coded QR Codes for Individuals with Cognitive Impairments," to be presented in 9th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility, Oct. 15~17, 2007. (EI)
- Yao-Jen Chang, Tseng-Yun Wang, Sky Tsai, Yu-Chia Chuang "Nonprofit 2.0 Web Services- Case Study of Employment Services for Individuals with Mental Impairments" to be presented in IEEE TENCON 2007. (EI)
- Yao-Jen Chang, Shih-Kai Tsai, Yen-Yin Chu, Tseng-Yun Wang, "Social Computing on Online Wayfinding Training for Individuals with Cognitive Impairments" to be presented at E-Learn 2007, Quebec City, Canada, Oct. 15-19, 2007.
- Yao-Jen Chang and Chiu-Hui Chen, "Methodology and Evaluation of Teaching Computer Programming Laboratory with Social Media," ED-Media 2007, Vancouver, Canada, June 25-29, 2007.
Monday, September 10, 2007
網站登錄數為 133991
網站登錄數為 133991
生活(2000):話題、字典 娛樂(7204):明星、卡漫 休閒(25586):運動、旅遊
新聞(4300):電視、新聞 電腦(14503):網路、下載 工商(50540):求職、銀行
醫療(4038):醫院、保健 教育(11571):學測、學校 文化(4190):婚禮、節日
理財(2031):基金、股票 藝術(5660):電影、音樂 政府(2368):總統、地方
Monday, August 27, 2007
8/24 周五 大溪來回24公里
Thursday, August 23, 2007
4 Papers Accepted by ICCIT 2007 (EI)
2. Ontology-based Personalized Wayfinding System Using Deviation Detecting for Individuals with Cognitive Impairments
3. Social Network Analysis to Blog-based Online Community
4. A General Architecture of Mobile Social Network Services
accpted by International Conference on Convergence Information Technology 2007 (ICCIT07), 21st ~23rd 2007, in Gyeongju, Korea.
Monday, August 20, 2007
第一次破百 中壢->台中
related links:
Deray 的北京到巴黎 單車旅行 2007年 再次追逐冒險
Thursday, August 16, 2007
8/15 中壢巡禮
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Saturday, August 11, 2007
PerCare 2008
In conjunction with IEEE Percom 2008
Paper submissions deadline: September 28, 2007
Notification of acceptance: November 23, 2007
Camera-ready papers deadline: December 21, 2007
Pervasive Health 2008
Computing Technologies for Healthcare.
Due Sep 14, 2007.
(published by IEEE)
Friday, August 10, 2007
ICCIT 2007 截稿日就在今天8/10

update: 這次總共發表4篇論文。
2005, 2006 分別到了韓國一次,今年韓國主辦 ICCIT 2007,地點在慶州,我當然是沒去過。今年總共投稿四篇論文到這裡,分別是 e-Learning, e-Health(2), 與 Mobile Computing 三個領域的研究成果,結果這個月就知道了。會議時間應該是可以滑雪的季節了。
8/9 中壢外環 單車巡禮
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
What are the trends of Broadband Wireless Access research?
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
昨晚第一次以 TCR ALLIANCE 從自立新村騎到桃園 IKEA,今天是第二次以 TCR ALLIANCE 作區間往返,24小時內再度享受ㄧ次美好的騎乘經驗。
Monday, August 6, 2007
What are the trends of WWW research?
中壢桃園定速巡航 來回50分鐘
沿途看到三個高中生重裝上路,騎著入門型越野車 BOULDER,八成在環島當中。因為我很輕便,對不起很自然地超車了,沒有想證明什麼。
Paper Accepted by ACM/IEEE Web Intelligence 2007
Employment of Individuals with Mental Impairments"
has been accepted for oral presentation at 2007 International Workshop on
Social Media Analysis and for publication in the workshop proceedings(EI) to
be published by the IEEE Computer Society Press.
騎腳踏車 追分成功
沿著省道一號,中途喝了路邊現剖椰子ㄧ顆,有如清泉。回家再喝600cc 礦泉兩瓶,所有蒸發水分總算補回。
內胎回到台中時被刺破了,因為是Giant M1跑車不是使用一般 40PSI 而是配備 100 PSI 高壓內胎,必須到店內用專業工具方可換裝,很幸運的,我破胎的地方在台中市文心南路,也就是GIANT 全台最大的旗艦店門口邊的 STARBUCKS,而且居然破了兩個大洞,根本不能補,師傅換了兩次工具,半小時後總算更換完成。
因為要減輕重量,之前捷安特中原店老闆建議我以輕裝上路,腳踏車維持原廠配備沒有停車架,可少掉900公克,除了安裝無線電子馬錶, 輕型後照警示燈以及一個空水壺,不搭掛其他配備,也不使用馬鞍袋,輕便上路。 現在腳踏車店越來越多,Seven-Eleven, OK, 全家省道公路邊到處都是,而且還有路邊清涼的當地特產水果,休息加水和補給以及機械調整都越來越方便。
接下來的目標是70公里反覆自我訓練,然後騎 140 公里從中壢回台中,暑假結束前希望與我兒子完成11日環島。
中原精障者導航系統 入圍美賽
雅虎奇摩中國時報 教育版 (八月五日)
Thursday, August 2, 2007
screen reader 已經能夠將電腦螢幕中的文字讀出來給盲人聽,這次我參加ICALT 2007,得知如何將圖表"讀"出來給盲人是一個巨 大 的挑戰。
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
新學期開始 新生訓練三部曲
1. 至 申請, 請申請免費帳號。
2. 張貼你的部落格的第一篇文章。一小段歡迎詞,或是簡短自我介紹,或是你最喜歡的科目與最不喜歡的科目,都可以。
3. 進行以下設定
- 留言顯示驗證詞
- 正確設定時區顯示時間
- 測試他人可否留言(comment)
Advantages of using Firefox.
What to do with Firefox
1. download Firefox 2.0
2. control font size
3. tabbed browsing
4. subscribe to the course blog
5. Using bookmarks to test RSS feed
Hands on
1. Easy control of font size (try ctrl+ & ctrl- as many times as you like)
2. tabbed browsing (try ctrlT)
3. RSS feed, and support of Blog. Use the RSS feed from
to subscribe to it. Also subscribe to your own blog.
If your Firefox didn't work, you should check settings about proxy. It should be set as at port 3128.
1. Enter
The Google account is the same as your Blogger account.
2. Rearrange the templates. And perhaps remove blocks that you don't need.
3. Add new stuff. For now add the Google Reader block. You should be able to see the subscriptions in the Google Reader block of your personal portal.
You can do an online presentation using Google Presentation. The
speaker who takes the control can synchronize the materials presented
to the viewers in the group.
This is how you can make it.
- 使用 RSS
Monday, July 30, 2007
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Paper accepted by ACM ASSEST 2007 註記
蔡士楷的另ㄧ篇論文也入選了本會議Student Research Competition Award,主辦單位將贊助旅費給他到美國參加比賽。也恭喜他。
我剛從日本下飛機回到家中,這次 IEEE Advanced Learning Technology Conference特別收錄四篇關於無障礙學習的論文,分別來自丹麥,法國,愛爾蘭與英國,我都全程參加了,收穫很多,以後可以再聊。
Paper accepted by ACM ASSETS 2007
has accepted
A Novel Wayfinding System Based on Geo-coded QR Codes for Individuals with Cognitive Impairments
for presentation in Tempe, Arizona on 15-17 Oct. 2007.
In the mean while, ACM ASSEST 2007 also accepts my student Shih-Kai Tsai entrant of Student Research Competition
WADER: A Novel Wayfinding System with Deviation Recovery for Individuals with Cognitive Impairments
Friday, July 20, 2007
Web 2.0 @IEEE ICALT 2007
Prof Marc Eisenstadt 強調 Web2.0 會成功是因為 Student Ownership,試著把學習看成一種創造的歷程,而主人就是學生自己。以這種定義,光是坐著聽不是學習。在Web2.0的環境下,老師不再擔任知識提供者,不應該也不可能掌控整個學生的學習過程。
Dr. Carmen Taran 強調 Web 2.0 有趣的是 Social Networking,學生透過其他同學發現新世界,老師也透過學生看到不同的東西,技術上透過 RSS Syndication,但是重點在於分享的本質。人類是分享的動物,Gilbert的研究發現分享讓人快樂,分享時腦中釋放與賭博/性愛相同的化學成分。
美學是絕對不能少的,好的 Web 2.0 網站都有美的元素,只要用心感受就會發現,ㄧ些老式教材與學習網站之所以不成功在於它們急於傳遞知識與訊息,忽略過程中給學生ㄧ個美好的經驗的重要性,畢竟不是只有學生畢業帶走的東西才重要,在充滿美的感受中學習與生活也是值得追求的,這點Apple公司最清楚了。iPod絕對不只是ㄧ台MP3播放器,每次觸摸操作iPod帶來的快樂經驗才是它領先全球的原因。當然,iPhone更是將它發揚光大。
Tim O'Shea 是愛丁堡大學校長,一個成功的學校必須擔心因為她偉大的傳統榮耀因而自滿輸掉未來,在愛大已經全力推展 Vue (Virtual University at Edinburgh),令人驚訝的是Second Life 這種非主流的虛擬線上社群被大量地使用,我還無法完全想像這會是什麼情況。我突然想到搖滾樂在60年代誕生在英國這個古典音樂基礎雄厚的國度,也許傳統不必然阻斷未來,反而是迎接未知挑戰未來的活水。
Thursday, July 19, 2007
IEEE ICALT 2007 日本之旅
然後隔天週一早上10點多就是6.2級新潟大地震(新潟是今年IEEE ICALT地點),連我要搭的上越(Joetsu)新幹線都停開,還好週二也就是開
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Friday, July 13, 2007
老師的修鍊: 學生成績評量
Thursday, July 12, 2007
犯錯是人的天性 但不應成為習慣
Sunday, July 8, 2007
大創意 是幫反菸團體想出一個鼓勵年輕人戒菸開放心靈的廣告創意
小創意 是幫摩托車設計更炫的車燈與更拉風的車型
大創意 是喚起人們自我反省哪些時候騎腳踏車其實最方便最沒負擔
小創意 是研究如何用資料採礦程式在eBay捷足先登低價標到Gucci包
大創意 是研究如何用先進技術為認知障礙者設計實境導航系統
小創意 解決問題
大創意 超越問題
"教育的中心價值是服務人群" (陳春山)
''快樂引導成功 而非成功引導快樂"
有人選擇到澎湖住高級民宿看海騎水上摩托車,也有人到澎湖為小孩子演奏繪本 ...
結合生態與志工的度假方式生態工作假期在台灣萌芽. 本報訊. 去年間,台灣與世界各地的志工前往白俄,協助車 2003年7月,一群來自不同背景的台灣人,遠渡重洋跑到受車諾比核災創傷的白俄羅斯,和其他一樣是遠從世界各地而來的志願服務結為夥伴,協助當地的 ...
度假志工招募─ VoVa30 教育明燈. 本會為提昇國人渡假文化,特別引進「志工假期」觀念,希望有心幫助城鄉差距的弱勢學生放學後能協助小孩的課業 VoVa30指的是‘Voluntary Vacation 30’,志工假期每週花30小時為偏遠地區的學童進行課輔活動。 ...
生活在消費導向的物質世界,「我是誰」並不重要,「我穿什麼衣服、住什麼房子、開什麼車,和如何度假? .... 而是建立在『你穿什麼品牌的衣服、住什麼樣的房子、開什麼車,和如何度假?』時,我們要如何將『地球憲章』的重要核心信息帶給人們,尤其是青年 ...
(1/31重播)有沒有搞錯啊,居然還有付錢去幫人工作的度假方式?其實這是台灣一種新興的旅遊方式,就是志工式的度假之旅。為了體驗這種工作假期,賢賢特別到風光明媚的花蓮參加活動,四天的工作行程,這位平常鮮少DIY做家具的秀氣志工,必須協助修復老菸 ...
Saturday, July 7, 2007
愛心是作業‧快樂是學分 中原大學頒發「全人關懷獎」
為了實現「全人教育‧生命關懷」的理念,中原大學積極推動「服務學習」,首度設置「全人關懷獎」,表揚投入服務學習有成的老師與學生們,並將於7月6日假 台北市Youth Hub青年交流中心正式舉辦成果發表會暨頒獎典禮。中原大學師生無論在資訊、設計、輔導、社區服務等各個領域均有優異的服務表現,值得肯定! ...
【記者徐乃義/桃園報導】中原大學為呈現多年推動「服務學習」之成果,並推動以專業來服務人群的志工理念,於7月6日在台北「青年交流中心」舉辦「96年度中原大學服務學習成果發表會暨「台青幫」成立大會」。會中除展現中原大學96年度「服務學習」的豐富 ... |
(中央社記者劉嘉韻台北六日電)「台青幫」可不是新成立的黑道幫會,而是中原大學為推廣服務學習課程,宣揚「台灣青年幫助弱勢」的理念,今天下午宣布成立「台青幫」,期待透過服務學習課程,讓更多學生運用專業協助弱勢。 ... |
中原大學6日正式成立「台青幫」,除了希望推廣青年志工的服務精神外,更將志工服務升級,由勞動付出提昇為專業服務,要為台灣培養一批結合專業和服務精神,願意扶助弱勢、關懷世界的新台灣青年。 資管系的學生遠赴泰緬邊境,為緬甸移工與泰國鄉村公立 ... |
新浪新聞中心| 中央社| 推廣服務學習中原大學成立台青幫
(中央社記者劉嘉韻台北六日電)「台青幫」可不是新成立的黑道幫會,而是中原大學為推廣服務學習課程,宣揚「台灣青年幫助弱勢」的理念,今天下午宣布成立「台青幫」,期待透過服務學習課程,讓更多學生運用專業協助弱勢。參與志工服務已有三年的中原大學 ... |
PChome Online 網路家庭-新聞科技- 台灣青年志工新勢力中原大學成立 ...
對此,中原大學除了規定,從今年9月入學的學生開始,必須4年內志工服務24小時外,也將從後年強制規定各系必須開設志工相關課程,更在6日正式成立「台青幫」,要將過去勞動的志工服務升級,為台灣培養一批結合專業及關懷精神的台灣新青年。 ... |
「台青幫」可不是新成立的黑道幫會,而是中原大學為推廣服務學習課程,宣揚「台灣青年幫助弱勢」的理念,今天下午宣布成立「台青幫」,期待透過服務學習課程,讓更多學生運用專業協助弱勢。 參與志工服務已有三年的中原大學資管系三年級學生林清盛,目前 ...
Being a nice reviewer
1. Encourage the author to re-submit it as a poster and give them the chances to do so.
2. Say it is a novel and interesting idea although there remain serious flaws in the paper.
3. Extend an invitation of redirecting the submission to a parallel workshop if you find value content in the paper.
4. Insightfully tell the authors where the specific problems are and how to improve the paper like an expert.
5. Don't reject paper for tiny flaws, marginal issues. You can always find fault somewhere.
Being a nice reviewer
1. Encourage the author to re-submit it as a poster and give them the chances.
2. Say it is a novel and interesting idea although there remain serious flaws in the paper.
3. Extend an invitation of redirecting the submission to a parallel workshop if you find value content in the paper.
4. Insightfully tell the authors where the specific problems are and how to improve the paper like an expert.
5. Don't reject paper for tiny flaws, marginal issues. You can always find fault somewhere.
On the positive side
Oftentimes, we receive insightful and high quality comments from anonymous reviewers.
Has it come to you what you can do in return to improve the paper and more importantly improve your academic accomplishments at large?
This is something you may want to do after your did a hard work writing a paper and received response of it.
You try your best to be careful and comprehensive in making out something
academic. In academia, you are evaluated by what you think and what
you write. Whether you will stay academic after you get the master
degree, enjoy or at least try to experience the academic lifestyle. I
encourage you to act more like a young scholar; it may be a chance of
your lifetime no matter what.
We all need to stop the habit of writing casually. Improve our
thinking a little bit every time from quality feedback of internationally established scholars.
The following quote applies to us. It's not whether you get knocked down. It's whether you get up again.
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Monday, July 2, 2007
Friday, June 29, 2007
1. 活動對象:各中小學教師、高中及大專院校師生、各研究機構人員熱愛自然科學
2. 文稿內容:以3000-4000字為限,以散文或報導形式(科幻小說除外
3. 截止日期:8月31日前請將作品e-mail至
Thursday, June 28, 2007
An inspiring talk by tom reeves
Some of the references given out during his talk.
- Me generation by Jean Twenge.
- Strapped by Tamara Draut. Excerpts from Introduction of the book.
- Authentic learning (research project of Dr Jan Herrington, University of Wollongong, Professor Ron Oliver, Edith Cowan University)
- Declining by Degrees (DVD)
- DBR at UGA
- Tom Reeves Personal Website
- 食
- 衣
- 住
- 行
在UBC(University of British Columbia)大學看到三隻臭鼬過馬路,所有車子全部停起來等他們通過,車隊大排長龍。可惜相機放在旅館。
這個城市到處都有專屬自行車道,有些地方自行車道與汽車道同寬,汽車就算塞車也不佔用自行車專用道,騎自行車的人太幸福了。對了,六月是他們的Bike to work month,騎腳踏車上班的話可以獲得抽獎機會,還有免費食物可拿。
騎自行車必須戴安全帽,that's the law。我的行李裡從台灣帶來了ㄧ頂。本來要租腳踏車 ,結果馬上下起小雨,然後ㄧ到捷運站,天就放晴,所以還沒騎到腳踏車,還有三天。旅館很專業,我問她哪裡可以租腳踏車,馬上拿出一張地圖畫了兩個叉叉在上面,果真走路可以找到。
- 育
- 樂